Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Outer Ear Infection More Condition_symptoms How To Cure An Outer Ear Infection?

How to cure an outer ear infection? - outer ear infection more condition_symptoms

I had an infection of the outer ear a few weeks ago and went to the doctor and she gave me some amoxicillin and ear drops. Now my other ear is swollen is inflated (a little - no drainage or anything) and I am sure, amoxicillin, but I have ear drops. The ear drops say "sterile suspension be heard in the bottle. The ear infection Will I disappear, or I must go back to go further amoxicillin? Is there anything I can do?


sporkk said...

Most ear infections resolve on its own without antibiotics. I want to use ear drops for a few days, can not help but it will not hurt. If after two or three days, there is no improvement and his ear is worse, and began to drain or wound, then you should go to the doctor for more antibiotics.
Curious: you swim? Could you have swimmer's ear and not an infection? Because not only amoxicillin ear infection showed - infection, if there is any, or a start, it should have could.

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